GOALS UPDATE: Trainwreck in Q3!

September is a weird time of year. After the rush of summer, it starts to become evident where exactly the year is headed. One is able to predict with near-certainty what is actually going to get accomplished and what will have to be put on the following years RESOLUTIONS list. The icing on the cake is that with 9 months passed, you start to see which goals are most important and which ones were thrown in the mix possibly during a drug-induced panic attack.

With this in mind, let’s check in to see how we are doing with the goals we set at the beginning of the year, and subsequently tightened up during quarter two.

1. Obtain $10,000 in revenue for all three bands

This simply isn’t going to happen. We haven’t played enough shows this year to even think about raising this amount of money. With that being said, shows are starting to pop up again. One major accomplishment within this goal is that we have managed to play our highest paying gigs ever during 2010.

The practice of being picky about which shows you play is probably the biggest advancement any gigging band can make. Not only does it make your shows more “valuable” in the eyes of people who actually go out to see music, it ensures that you don’t get burnt out on your own gimmicks.

In light of all the other projects and mini-projects we’ve worked on throughout the year, I’m happy with the amount of money we’ve made. Then again, I’m happy eating “Oriental-flavored” Ramen noodles as a midnight snack.

2. Finish and release The Dirty Marmaduke Flute Squad’s Boneslinky!

Done and done. Boneslinky! launches in physical form on October 8th. You can nab a digital copy right now on our music page. Now here comes the fun part: promoting this great album and selling it out. Things have changed a lot since 2007. For one, our contacts list we created during the release of Die Humpin! is completely out of date. It’s crazy to think that after just 3 short years most of the writers and editors we sent stuff to have left their jobs, while lots of music magazines and newspapers have folded.

Secondly, the press isn’t really the press anymore. Blogs have come to dominate commentary on indie music. That’s a really cool yet frustrating prospect. Most of these blogs define “indie music” as sounding something like Animal Collective, The Antlers or Surfer Blood leaving little room for rock-cum-ragtime comedy songs about abortion. That’s fine (I listen to these bands as well), but hopefully we’ll be able to find some music blogs that will open up and take a risk on reviewing our music.

3. Post every week NO MATTER WHAT!

This has been possibly the biggest challenge, but also the biggest reward. We’ve been getting great comments and feedback on this blog. And we managed to lock down a gig reviewing Steven Slate FG-X (which also allowed us to master our album with this awesome piece of software). Writing for Weird Experiments in Band Marketing also forces us to take time every single week to think about the band. I like this concept alot, since bands tend to have two modes: ON and OFF. Even when we had no shows and no new products to promote, The Dirty Marmaduke Flute Squad was BUSY. That’s a really cool feeling to have. Now we have shows and product, so things will only get much more hectic and hopefully even more rewarding.

4. Obtain an official endorsement from Party City

Fuck this. I don’t really no where I was coming from with this goal, and I’ve been way too busy to pursue it. I can say that we managed to get a nice endorsement from Raven Beer and over-deliver in our promotion of their great product. In fact let’s breakdown some of things we’ve done to promote this product to our fans.

a.) Organized a professional Flute Squad/Raven Beer photo shoot for press use.

b.) Placed a Raven Beer ad on the front page of this site.

c.) Featured Raven Beer in our album art and show flyers.

d.) Tied-in Raven Beer with our CD release show and as a part of Baltimore Beer Week.

e.) Promoted giveaways of Raven Beer swag on Facebook and our shows.

f.) Appeared publicly at Pigtownfest to promote Raven Beer at their tent.

Why do we do this? Well for one, it’s a really solid product that we can get behind. But also because we want to prove that when we receive an endorsement from a product we’re really going to do our best to promote the hell out of it. We’ve been talking about doing a Raven Beer jingle, but I think we’re going to wait and see how they might use it.

5. Build our Facebook fanbase

This has seemed to slow down. My prediction is that without a solid show schedule mapped out, our fanbase will remain stagnant. So it looks like the focus should be playing more shows in order to make some money and to gain more fans. Sometimes the biggest answers are the most obvious.


To see how we’ve progressed through the year, check out these posts:

Band Goals For 2010: Our initial post announcing our goals for 2010.

Reflections on Q1: Our goal progress check-in from January to March of 2010

GOALS UPDATE: Reflections on Q2: Our progress, and rearranging of goals from April to June of 2010

GOALS UPDATE: Reflections on Q2

David Allen Gets Things Fucking Done

At the beginning of the year I posed some pretty gawdy goals on this blog. The thing about goals is that they shift as situations change.

Let’s check in and see how we’re doing:

1. Obtain $10,000 in revenue for all three bands

The Dirty Marmaduke Flute Squad : Nothing’s really changed here. We played two shows at the front of the year, and don’t really plan on playing any more until Boneslinky! is released in October. At that point, we should be back to playing on a regular basis, setting the woods on fire and buying new yachts with our gig revenue!

Wild Bonerz
: WB has now managed to lock down about $3000 in gigs this year. This is a great, and it seems like we are certainly on a roll. If I did the math ($3000 * another 6 months) it looks like we might come up significantly short on the $10k mark that I set. But it’s never too late for certain opportunities to roll around and help the cause.

The Hilltop Hightops : HTHT is still on a brief hiatus. You can still buy our AWESOME album though. Super Galactic Space Banana will teach your kids a number of things about space, history, science, and math. But probably the best lesson it teaches is how to ROCK!(!!!!!!!!!!)

2. Finish and release The Dirty Marmaduke Flute Squad’s Boneslinky!

Last week I listened to the near-finished mix of the album and have to say that even I was blown away by Boneslinky! “Of course you fucking were!” you might say. But, let me tell you, it’s not particularly easy to just sit back and love ourselves. After hearing these songs for several years, then recording them in several back-to-back sessions, then hearing the rough mixes, then arguing about what’s cool and what’s not, and then realizing that you created a tracklist that ranges from funk to rock to olde-timey, with topics ranging from transportation, abortion, mythical creatures, violence, titties, and beer, well it’s really hard to tell what the fuck is going to come out of it all. I really do feel like it’s Die Humpin! on super-steroids.

I am happy that we enlisted the help of several people to make this happen (ranging from musicians who are way more talented then us, to a room full of girls screaming “Spend It! Spend It! Spend It!”[also more talented than us]). We’re continuing this collaboration by beta-testing the album with several volunteers before we get it pressed. (Contact me by leaving a comment if you want in)

3. Post every week NO MATTER WHAT!

If you remember this goal used to be : Create 30 posts related to goal-setting. I can’t imagine how boring this blog would be if I stuck with that goal. Sometimes goals shift and become better. By shifting from the “30 posts on one specific topic” to “Weekly posts no matter what” we greatly improved our content structure. And now our readers can rely on content being posted on the site at the same time every week.

We have maintained this weekly schedule. Posts go up on this site every Tuesday. One improvement we have been working toward is posting tactical articles on Tuesdays, and leaving band news and updates to Thursday posts.

4. Obtain an official endorsement from Party City

At the end of Q1 we had made no attempt to get an endorsement by Party City. In fact it seemed like it just wouldn’t get done. There wasn’t a whole lot motivation or reason for Party City to get involved with us. I’m thinking about changing this goal now. We’ve made several significant strides in the endorsement department, starting with our great endorsement by Raven Beer. I’d like to obtain more endorsements that range from music equipment, food, bars, whatever (as long as we think its cool.) But our goal in all of this is not to keep tacking on logos to this page, but instead to really do work to improve the brands that decide to invest in us.

So far I think we’ve done a good job with Raven and it’s just gonna get better. We will be participating in tandem with Baltimore-Washington Brew Works for Baltimore Beer Week (October 7th – 17th). We think this is a win-win for both Raven Beer and the Dirty Marmaduke Flute Squad, as we plan to play our CD release show for Boneslinky! during this week.

5. Build our Facebook fanbase

This shifted last quarter from Build our mailing list to Build our Facebook fanbase So far I’m quite happy with the results of this goal but still feel like we could do better.

Some improvements we’ve made since the beginning of the year:

a. Always be active on Facebook.

We don’t just let our page float by and then stop in once a month to leave an update that says: “Wow, stay tuned guys, our new album is sounding AMAZING!” I hate bands that do that. Nobody cares about that. In fact I should say this now: If you are band who does what I just described, STOP IT! NO ONE GIVES A SHIT!

People do happen to give a shit about thoughtful posts. Or posting cool stuff that you found on the web or whatever. It’s funny, a Facebook fan page happens to work alot like an individual’s Facebook page. You wouldn’t just post “Hey guys, I’m at my job at the office, you should come by and check me out!” once every three months. You just wouldn’t have any friends if you were that brand of tool.

b. Give tons of shit away.

I give a ton of shit away through our Facebook page. Not just band stuff either. For example, after I was done reading David Cross’s book I Drink For A Reason, I wanted to sell it on Amazon. But I found out I could only get like 3 bucks for it. So I decided to just give it away on Facebook.

c. Leave no comment unanswered

This goes with the blog comments too. If you leave a comment on our Facebook or blog we’re gonna answer it, no matter how petty. I just really hate it when I dig someone’s post, decide to leave a comment and the author doesn’t have the appreciation to respond. What the hell is that? Do you think your blogger-ass is some sort of rock star or something!?!?!?!?!

So hmm, are we about half way there? It seems that way, but FluteSquad.com certainly has our work set out for us if we’re gonna see these goals through. We’ll check back in on these in 3 months!


If you like this post check out:

Band Goals For 2010: Our initial post announcing our goals for 2010.

Reflections on Q1: Our goal progress check-in from January to March of 2010

Reflections on Q1

At the beginning of the year I posed some pretty gawdy goals on this blog. The thing about goals is that they shift as situations change.

Let’s check in and see how we’re doing:

1. Obtain $10,000 in revenue for all three bands

The Dirty Marmaduke Flute Squad has been in the studio almost exclusively. We’ve managed to play 2 shows so far this year. These shows were both stellar (I don’t just say this about every show). We made $160 from both shows combined. These shows turned into promotional parties and we spent at least that amount of money to put them on (we give away and buy alot of shit for our fans, at this point I wouldn’t have it any other way.) So in ACTUAL revenue we gained nothing.

Wild Bonerz
has managed to lock down $1500 in gigs so far. We’re super proud of this progression and have really worked out a really sweet 90 minute(+) set. We’ve revamped our description from “Bluegrass covers of pop songs” to “Old-timey cover barons.” The brand shift from bluegrass to old-timey is much more apt  Our(sub)goal for Wild Bonerz is to lock down a venue or an area of town as a recurring gig.

The Hilltop Hightops is on a brief hiatus. You can still buy our AWESOME album though. Super Galactic Space Banana will teach your kids a number of things about space, history, science, and math. But probably the best lesson it teaches is how to ROCK!(!!!!!!!!!!)

2. Finish and release The Dirty Marmaduke Flute Squad’s Bone Slinky!

As I mentioned, we’ve been in the studio a whole lot recently. It has taken alot of time away from the usual fucking around that we do on a daily basis. The results have been, well how can I put it, XAN-tastic! (scroll all the way down for the reference).

3. Create 30 posts specific to goal-setting for bands on this site

We are well on our way to achieving this with two minor tweaks:

a.) This site will be updated every Tuesday NO MATTER WHAT! On my calculator, that reads to be at least 52 posts a year. Periodically there will/should be additional posts, but the Tuesday post is one that you can set your watch to.

b.) Posts won’t be limited to goal-setting. I realized I don’t want to be obligated to talk about goal-setting all the time and that there are better and more helpful uses for this blog.

4. Obtain an official endorsement from Party City

This was my “wild card” goal for the year. I really don’t know how I am going to go about achieving this but I will try and see where it gets me.  It’s fun to try random shit sometimes. For example, we recently asked everyone from Benny Mardones to Tay Zonday to sing on our upcoming album (with hilarious results.)

I have made no progress on the Party City endorsement as of this point, but it seems like a good time to get to work on it.

5. Significantly build our mailing list

Sometime in January I realized that it was more rewarding, effective, and reasonable to believe that building our Facebook fan page was a better step than focusing on email marketing. It just makes sense for us to be able to interact WITH you, not just blast our bullshit AT you.

If you dig our music or blog, I’d love to get in touch with you via email. We will start to increasingly interact with our email community, but for now we are all over Facebook like sweat on a 7-11 hotdog.

Band Goals For 2010

In 2010 FluteSquad.com is going to focus on an issue that is near and dear to me: Goal Setting. I personally feel this really is the key to success in any venture both business and personal. The goals you set are a barometer to gauge why some ventures win and some fail.

In this spirit I thought it would be keen to name a few of my goals for the band(s) and then revisit them around Jan 1st 2011 and see how it pans out for us.

Obtain $10,000 in revenue for all three bands

The Dirty Marmaduke Flute Squad, Wild Bonerz, and The Hilltop Hightops have to step up and make some money this year to keep things rolling. In years’ past, the goal has been to keep the band self-sustained. The numbers on self-sustainment have gotten quite vague, so keeping track of this income should give us all a clearer idea of what works and what doesn’t.

In 2010 I’d like to surpass the self-sustainment goal by actually making us somewhat profitable, perhaps enough so each of us can draw a (very small) retainer salary. With a new album, plenty of merch, and some paying gigs already on the schedule, $10,000 seems totally reachable.

Finish and release The Dirty Marmaduke Flute Squad’s Bone Slinky!

Thankfully, our follow-up to 2007′s Die Humpin! is well underway.  In terms of distributing the album we have to make much wiser decisions. This includes pressing less physical copies and pushing for more digital sales. Die Humpin! was a great experiment with many successes in execution but many mistakes in distribution. 

Create 30 posts specific to goal-setting for bands on this site.

This means an emphasis on informative and tactical advice as opposed to the typical band news posts. Of course there will also be book reviews, venue reviews and band news. However the almost-weekly tactical post is going to be something I seriously need to gain discipline to acheive.

As part of this theme, most posts will contain some notation about the specific purpose of doing whatever it is we are suggesting to do. For example, if a post is about downsizing your live setup, there will be a note stating how following this advice should accomodate the overall goal of helping a band become successful.

Obtain official endorsement from Party City

The Dirty Marmaduke Flute Squad is famous for our endorsement from Michael Guitar, a fledgling guitar distributor that seemingly went under shortly after giving us a ton of gear.  To be fair, we more than delivered on our half of the bargain.  For 2010, I would like to approach Party City or some other costume-outfitter with a deal to endorse their brand. Party City is our store of choice for costumes so it naturally seems like a good fit.

Significantly build our mailing list

Regrettfully, in the past, I’ve missed every opportunity to build a successful mailing list for the band. This is a HUGE mistake that I plan to fix in 2010. I’m not sure of a specific number of subscribers to reach for, I just know that our efforts need to be stepped up significantly. Oh, by the way, Please Sign Up For Our Mailing List to get free music and find our when our blog is updated.

What the hell is this?

Here Is An Attempt At An Owner’s Manual For A Band

If you are a major band that is making a living off of your music then skip right over our weak sauce. Your homework is done.

But if you are…

a.) Thinking about starting a band

b.) In a band that is seemingly going nowhere

c.) About to record your first album

…then you might want to check this out.

I’m not really gonna bore you with details about our history or the merch we have for sale. But I do want to tell you about the stuff we have done, the places we’ve been, and the hare-brained schemes we’ve conducted.

‘Why Write? You’re Musicians! Musicians Can’t Write?!’

Well, being an active band for five years and a recording band for seven. We’ve run the gamut of opportunity. We’ve met some shady characters, some great fans, tons of great aspiring bands on the road and off. The problem is no one ever seems to get anywhere. Bands fall apart. Fans appear, reappear and disappear again. We had this idea to start documenting some of our experiences, major failures and some wins so that you could copy our successes and skip over the pitfalls.

Here Are Some Of The Features We Have Planned

  • Do’s and Don’t's For Band Marketing
  • Recording Advice and Tutorials
  • Technical notes about the venues we’ve played at
  • Advice on creating interesting marketing tools for your band (like stickers, shirts, and yes..video games)
  • And more! (For real, because this is a work in progress)

‘What Gives You The Right?’

Look, I know what you’re thinking: “These guys think they’re pretty hot shit”

Well, yeah, but not really. As time goes on you will read about the things we’ve done, and hopefully you will far surpass us and never want to read this blog again. I mean that.

Don’t believe me? Well we can talk about it.